Legal notice

Business owner: Mme Martin, Holly (EI)
Business: TraductoLab. SIRET: 97991908100013
Restrictions: TVA non-applicable (Article 293 B du CGI).

Legal remarks

TraductoLab owns the copyright and brand name TraductoLab, all rights reserved. The content of this website is copyright protected. It is not permitted to copy or duplicate text, pictures.

This site contains links to external sites. TraductoLab assumes no responsibility for the content or protection of privacy of external sites.

Privacy Policy

By using the contact form, users consent to sharing their name and coordinates with TraductoLab, which can include their name, phone number and email address. This personal data is exclusively used for exchanging with the client and for the business administration. We do not share this information with any third parties. 

A user can ask us at any time what information we have saved about them and how they originally consented to this data being saved. They may equally withdraw their consent for TraductoLab storing their data at any time. does not use cookies.