My background

Holly Martin
Dual French/British nationality
Undergraduate degree in geology
Master’s degree in biology
Professional translator
My name is Holly Martin. I was born in Guildford (England). My family is English, so English is my first language. Having arrived in France at only a year old, I learnt French from infancy and did all my education in France, from nursery school to my master’s degree. At 18 I acquired my French nationality, giving me dual British/French citizenship.
Science has always been my passion, especially palaeontology. At the age of 14, I was privileged to join the dig team at the Angeac-Charente palaeontological site for the first time. I was able to meet and talk with several specialists and helped uncover some amazing dinosaur bones! The experience I got on that site, as well as the contacts I came away with confirmed that I was on the right track. After high school I completed my undergraduate degree in “Earth sciences” at the University of Bordeaux, before doing a masters in “Biodiversity, ecology, evolution” with a specialisation in “Systematics, evolution, palaeontology” in Paris, codirected by Sorbonne University and the natural history museum (MNHN).
During my masters, I took a particular interest in Mesozoic marine reptiles, as well as crocodyliformes. I specialised in anatomy and taphonomy, with my first internship involving an anatomical description of a Globidens skull, and the second on the tooth marks left by the Goniopholis at Angeac-Charente. I have talked about the results of this internship at conferences such as during “VCWAP 2024”, where I won first prize for best talk. The results of this study will be published in the following years. In 2023, at the end of my master’s degree, I started TraductoLab to put my bilingual capabilities to use for the scientific community.

Holly Martin
Dual French/British nationality
Undergraduate degree in geology
Master’s degree in paleontology
Professional translator
My experience
I launched TraductoLab, a freelance scientific translation company.
I obtained my master’s degree in « Biology, Ecology, Evolution », with a specialisation in « Systematics, Evolution, Paleontology » co-directed by Sorbonne Université and the Natural history museum in Paris (MNHN).
I obtained my degree in “Earth sciences” from the University of Bordeaux with honours.
Transmitting science: “Care and management of Natural History collections”
University of Nanjing: “Translation in practice”
University of Washington “Introduction to Internationalization and Localization”
2023 : Internship on crocodiliforms
Six month internship at the Cr2p (Paris) and PACEA (Bordeaux) on “studying the paleoecology of the Angeac-Charente crocodiliformes via the integration of tooth apex ecomorphology and bone taphonomy.” Directed by Ronan Allain, Stephanie Drumheller, Lee Rozada and Antoine Souron.
Skills: I cast molds of teeth apices and tooth marks using high resolution polyvinylsiloxane silicone. I used a confocal microscope and SensoScan. I treated the scans using SensoMap. Statistical analyses were done using R.
2022 : Internship on Mosasauridae
Internship at the CR2P (Paris) for four months on “The anatomie, systematics and diet of Globidens, Mosasauridae (Squamata) from the Maastrichtien in the Moroccan phosphates.” Internship directed by Nathalie Bardet.
Skills: Identification and anatomical description of a Globidens phosphaticus skull.
2021 : Internship on foraminifera
Internship at EPOC (Bordeaux) for one month on “the study of artic benthic foraminifera“. Internship directed by Jérôme Bonnin.
The foraminifera were extracted from artic core samples, before being identified and sorted under a microscope. The different species were counted and mutliple statistical analyses were performed.
Skills: identifying species of foramifera, sorting microfossils under a microscope, statistics, climatology, analysing data.
statistiques , climatologie, Traitement des données.
I gave a conference for the online event “VCWAP 2024“. I presented the results of my internship on crocodiliforms. I obtained first prize for best talk. For more information, click here.
I gave a conference for TaphEn in Bordeaux. I presented the results of my internship on crocodiliformes in front of an audience comprised of international scientists. scientifiques internationaux. The conference was followed by questions and discussions on my study.
I gave a conference at the “journée DIPEE” (DIspositifs de Partenariat en Ecologie et Environnement) at the Center of biological studies at Chizé. I presented the results of my internship on crocodiliforms in front of an audience comprised mostly of scientists from the CNRS. The conference was followed by questions and discussions on my study.
2015-2023: I was a member of the dig team at Angeac-Charente
I was part of the dig team at the paleontological site of Angeac-Charente, a Lagerstatte which dates from the Berriasian (~140 million years ago).
Skills: I learnt different techniques for finding and extracting fossils as well as techniques to clean and preserve the fossils. I hosted a few conférences in the evenings. I learnt how to identify different types of fossils: Angeac has very diverse remains including wood, coprolites, footprints, mussels, microfossils, and many vertebrate remains belonging to fish, sharks, tortoises, crocodiles and dinosaurs (sauropod, ornithomimus, ankylosaur, carcharodontosaur)
2022: Member of the dig team at Canjuers
I was part of the dig team at the paleontological site of Canjuers, a Lagerstatte from 150 million years ago.
Skills: I learnt different techniques for extracting fossils from lithographic limestone. I learnt how to identify different types of fossils: mainly invertebrates (oysters, sea urchins, ophiuroids…) and a few footprints from tetrapod vertebrates.
I was the “Heritage conservation assistant”, giving tours to the visitors at the Angeac-Charente paleontological site in english and in french, for adults and for children. I was also in charge of the kids activities (plaster of paris, initiation to dig techniques, fun digs).
Skills: scientific mediation and popularisation. I answered questions and gave information in french and english to people of all scientific levels.
I participated in the filming of three scientific popularisation videos for the YouTube channel “Vilain défaut”. My three videos were “The influence of mosasaures on the representation of dinosaurs in paleoart”, “my favourite personnal discovery on a dig site” and “my favourite fossil”.
I have also created another video for the FaceBook page “Fossil vous plaît” which was about the evolution of mosasaurs.
In charge of managing the independant english activities for french students in the language center at the University of Bordeaux. I gave help and advice to students.
Skills: English tutoring, problem solving.